The Power of Journaling for Perspective + Possibility

The Power of Journaling for Perspective and Possibility

Perspective Shift

I was journaling the other day when I started to realize: the most potent thing I can offer myself in this moment is a fresh perspective.

When we take the time to step back and look at our world with a fresh perspective, the possibilities are endless.

This is the power of perspective - the power to see the world in a different light, the ability to shift our way of thinking and open ourselves up to new ideas and perspectives. It can be as simple as changing the way you view an everyday problem or challenge, or it can be something more profound, like revisiting your assumptions about someone or something that you previously thought you knew.

Starting a fine jewelry business from scratch certainly has its challenges, but being able to manage my mind around the thoughts I have about it, and also being able to shift my perspective in any given moment is of exceptional value.

In fact, this one quality (of being able to shift your own perspective) may be one of the most important qualities an entrepreneur can work towards.

Journaling Benefits

At its core, journaling is all about finding fresh, new ways of looking at the world. Whether we're simply jotting down our thoughts for reflection later on or actively working through an issue on the page, journaling gives us the space and freedom to think differently and explore different approaches. By encouraging others to try journaling for themselves, we are helping them tap into the power of perspective and discover new insights in their lives. So if there's one thing I can inspire others to do, it's this: embrace the transformative power of perspective and see the world anew.

Here's the thing: we all have blind spots. We all have areas of our lives that we mistakingly take at "face value." We all have sneaky gremlin thoughts hiding in our subconscious. Oftentimes, we are unaware of the negative dialogue that is running in the background. Seeing these thoughts on the page (and questioning them ruthlessly) gives us a mega advantage when moving forward with our dreams and goals.

Maybe you've heard this Einstein quote:

"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."

Once a new perspective is considered, we can allow in a whole 'nother level of badassery. Once we let go of the idea that we're stuck, or that we've already tried everything, or that 'our problem is different from other people's problems' ...we can step away from our problem-focused mentality and step (blissfully) into a solution-focused mentality.

The Power of Possibility With Journaling

That leads me to the next amazing realization I had: once we are open to the idea of a new way to look at things, things begin to change. Once we have allowed in a new perspective, and once we've begun to tackle our doubts head-on, we are opening the flood gates for all kinds of FRESH POSSIBILITY.

Try asking yourself:

'What would be POSSIBLE for me, if I didn't keep getting in my own way?'

How often do you allow yourself to swim in possibility? How often do you allow yourself the creative liberty to think outside the box of the way you've been doing things? How often do you ask yourself: what kind of life do I really want to be living?

Possibility is fun. Possibility is exciting. Possibility is where dreams are created.


- Sylvia

Creativity & Abundance