Getting Started with A Creative Life


When it comes to being creative and starting a business, where you can BOTH: make a positive impact in the world and make a positive impact for your family/self…

One of the most important things I haveis the power of just getting started on your own.

I’ve learned that there are massive payoffs when you bet on yourself, and embrace the idea that the mistakes you make along the way are some of the best learning experiences you can get!

It reminds me a little bit of my junior year of high school.

I had decided to stop playing basketball and start playing softball.

Many of my friends had been playing softball their entire life (much like I had been doing with basketball!).

So when I decided to join them that ‘late’ in my adolescent sports career, no one really knew what to expect.

But I trusted my athleticism and put in the hard work and was able to play fairly competitively with my peers.

It was fun because I was willing to be a beginner.

I’ve always said that I transferred my competitive nature away from sports and towards business, and that one single move has made all the difference in my success with my other company, Lifted Naturals.

And the even better move I made, was competing with myself. Not other brands or businesses. But instead I’m only competing with who I was yesterday.

When it comes to living a creative, abundant life, you have to hold a vision for what you really want and who you really want to become.

Never underestimate the power of visualizaion when it comes to creating the life you want to life. See it in your mind’s eye and act as if you are already there.

Keep believing in a future reality that lights you up.

It is absolutely in your reach to create it.



Creativity & Abundance