How I Get Pepped To Start My Day
Listening to positive audio in the morning is one of my favorite ways to pep myself up in the morning.
But it's not the first thing I do to start my day.
To start my day, I buffer in enough time to create a positive feeling before my feet even hit the floor in the morning.
That’s right: my first step to pepping up my day is to stay in bed a few extra minutes.
My first and BEST tip for creating a positive morning is to create the feeling before I start the day.
As my eyes open, I take a deep breath, and then I intentionally do my best to get into a positive space, energetically.
I focus my attention on my heart space and do my best to call up positive emotions:
Once the feeling has been created and I am up and moving, I hit play on my phone.
I have several favorite podcasts/youtube channels that I am enjoying at any given time. I usually listen to these while I am getting myself ready for the day, or even while I’m helping to get my kids out the door and on their way to school.
Sometimes, all it takes is a little bit of outside inspiration to get me going and keep me going through the day.
If you're in need of a little pick-me-up, try these two steps tomorrow morning:
Create the feeling before you get up each morning and then once you’re rolling turn on some positive audio.
Give it a try and let me know what you think.
Creativity & Abundance